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Replacement D-handles

Replacement D-handles are sold in pairs to make shipping of an online purchase more worthwhile.

Images are not to scale.

Brute D-handle

Brute x 2

handle $24 Make payments with PayPal!

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Super tough handle. 9" tall x 5" wide, with a rubber grip. Fits on standard 1.25" diameter shafts.

Elite D-handle

Elite x 2

handle $24 Make payments with PayPal!

Short and smaller grip diameter. 7.5" tall x 4" wide, with a rubber grip. Fits on standard 1.25" diameter shafts. Better for making a short shovel.

ElF x 2

handle $24 Make payments with PayPal!

Short gripless D-handle and smaller grip diameter . 7.5" tall x 4.5" wide. Fits on standard 1.25" diameter shafts. Better for making a short shovel.

ERGO x 2

handle $0 Make payments with PayPal!

Ergo D-handle. 6.5" tall x 4.5" wide, with a rubber grip. Fits on 2014 model shovels. This handle does not easily fit most shafts as it is about 1.2".


*** - Based on the total cost after shipping.

